Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New York Times - Dec. 1, 2009

There were some very interesting stories in today's issue of the New York Times. I really enjoyed reading the piece on the front about how some cops in New York City have started carrying around fake badges so they don't lose their real one's. I understand that they don't want to lose their real badges, because there's a penalty for losing it, which is something like loss of 10-day's pay and a ton of unnecessary paperwork. But if the cops aren't following the rules, is that a good example for everyone else in the city? And now they can't use the excuse "no one knows that we do this," because it was just on ther front page of the New York Times, so everyone's looking for it now. There's really a very small difference between the real and fakes badges, but less paperwork if lost. It never looks good if police are the one's getting in trouble for something stupid like carrying a fake badge.

One of the more talked-about stories of the week was the headlining story for the day, about Maurice Clemmons, the man who shot and killed four police officers in Seattle just days ago. The article is about how Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is very lenient in granting clemency to convicted fellons, allowing them to go free easily. Well, it turns out he was the one who granted Maurice Clemmons clemency, and now it will be the primary argument against him come the 2012 elections, where he was expected to be ther Republican frontrunner. He has a past of granting easy clemency to those convicted, for reasons no one really knows.

On a side note, it was announced today that Maurice Clemmons was shot and killed by a patrolling officer in Seattle. He was found in a stolen car at 2:45 a.m. and was shot after he refused to stop squirming in his car and show his hands. Others may be arrested in aiding the hiding of Clemmons.

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