Monday, November 9, 2009

Theft Story

Safety of student possessions is now in question after stdent body president Charlotte Noreng's backpack was taken outside of Holloway Commons yesterday, witnesses say.

Noreng had reportedly left her backpack, which contained a laptop, iPod, cell phone, and wallet, outside of the dining hall when she went inside for dinner just before 6 p.m.

Commenting on her stolen possessions, Noreng said that she had always felt safe leaving her belongings outside of Holloway Commons.

"I never thought twice about it," Noreng said. "Everyone leaves their stuff outside. Why would anyone target my stuff over the rest?"

Witnesses who saw Noreng leave her backpack outside noticed her iPod sticking out of a side pocket. Others say they saw a male student handling the backpack and surrounding jackets, appearing to be searching for something.

Witnesses say the male was about 5-foot-7 with curly brown hair and wearing a black North Face fleece.

Holloway Commons employee Ingrid Higginbottom, who was swiping student ID's the day the backpack was reported missing, said that she didn't notice abnormal behavior that day, but that there was an unusually large dinner rush that night.

"It would have probably been easy to take something, considering how many students there were milling around outside," Higginbottom said. "I feel bad for poor Charlotte."

Police are expected to be involved since Noreng reported the missing backpack this morning.

Six months after the reported theft of Charlotte Noreng's backpack from outside of Holloway Commons, Rob Cash was convicted in the Durham District Court today.

After being charged with stealing approximately $2,000 worth of Noreng's personal belongings, Cash was ordered to repay Noreng her losses, as well as an additional $1,000 for damages.

Cash's subsequent sentence included probation and 100 hours of community service at Holloway Commons, serving as a part-time janitor.

Cash was arrested when the tracking device in Noreng's computer was located in his dorm room in Stoke Hall. Police arrested Cash at the scene and took him into custody. He was put on $500 bail, which he met and was released until his court date a week ago.

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